11th Annual Scientific Meeting &
Stamford Plaza Double Bay, Sydney
ABSTRACT REGISTRATION (Deadline for Abstracts 31st May, 2007)
Except for keynote lectures, the time allocated for each oral paper will be strictly
15 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for discussion). As time will be precisely planned, all authors must keep to time limits with their presentation. Please consider that in a presentation that lasts
10 minutes it is not possible to show more than 25 slides.
It is up to the author to shorten his/her time of presentation to gain more discussion time.
All presentation must be made using Microsoft PowerPoint. Other systems will not be
accepted. Authors can either bring a CD or a USB key with their presentation. The use of a personal PC for the presentation is
not possible.
The size of the poster presentation should not exceed 90 cm in width and 200 cm in height.
Poster printing by the organization itself is possible by charge and after sending the poster by e-mail before
31 August 2007.
Please specify below the category of your abstract:
Individual Case Presentations
New Research of Venous Disease
Advances in Sclerotherapy of Varicose Veins and Telangiecta
Advances in Surgery of Varicose Veins
Evaluation of Venous Disease
New Techniques
Please specify the type of presentation you request:
oral with 35mm slides - 10minutes
oral with data projection - 10 minutes
oral with video (VHS format) - 10 minutes
poster presentation
scheduled plenary session
My abstract:
Where and when have you presented this topic? Event,
location, date.
Abstract text (word limit 200)
I financial interest in the products being
discussed in my abstract.
Enquiries and Registrations:
Conference Matters Business Manager Leon Olsen, Email: leon@conferencematters.co.nz
Phone +64 (0)21 164 3815 Fax + 64 (0)9 437 4089
PO Box 1661 Whangarei New Zealand