11th Annual Scientific Meeting &
Stamford Plaza Double Bay, Sydney
(Deadline for Abstracts 31st May, 2007)
Late submissions will not be taken into consideration.
Abstracts can only be submitted using the on line form in this web site. For practical reasons abstracts sent by fax or mail will not be accepted. For any specific problems, please contact the Conference Organizers
Conference Matters at leon@conferencematters.co.nz
Fill the form from the beginning and continue without excluding any part, otherwise the procedure will not be completed. Once the form has been filled in
click “send” and the form will be sent via E-mail to the Conference Organizers.
All the fields of the abstract form must be completed (including the presenter’s contact details).
Title: The title should not exceed ten
Author(s): this should include the title and full
name of the author/presenter.
Any communication will be with the presenter that has been indicated.
Abstract: It should not exceed 200 words and should be submitted stating the sub-headings Aim, Methods, Results and Conclusion. We strongly advise authors to write the text of the abstract as a Word document and to copy it into the space on the form.
Biography: include an up to 100-word-biography of the presenter for introduction by the Chairperson, as well as the contact details of the presenter.
Type of contributions: contributions will be as oral or poster presentation of a original work, oral presentation of a difficult case with discussion and poster presentation of single cases.
List of Topics for ACP 2007 ASM
1. Endovenous Laser Ablation
2. New Developments in Venous Disease
3. Deep Vein Incompetence
4. Basic Science Research in Phlebology
5. ‘Other’
General Remarks
1. The presenting author of the abstract selected for presentation must be registered at the Congress.
2. Abstracts must contain data and meet international ethical standards.
3. Abbreviations should be defined.
4. The Introduction section should contain 1-2 sentences that clearly indicate the scientific question of the study and its clinical (or other) importance.
5. The Methods section should contain sufficient information to be able to understand the experimental design, the analytical techniques and the statistics used in the study.
6. The Results section should contain objective data to answer the scientific question.
7. The Conclusions section should provide only conclusions of the study directly supported by the results, along with implications for clinical practice, avoiding speculation and over generalization.
8. Trade names cannot be mentioned in the title. However, trade names in brackets will be accepted in the body of the text.
9. Please insure your abstract does not contain spelling, grammar or scientific mistakes, as it will be reproduced exactly as submitted. Linguistic accuracy is your responsibility.
10. The reviewers will judge the abstracts according to the relevance to ACP, objectivity of statements, description of what was done, suitability of methods to aims, conclusions confirmed by objective results, ethics, scientific value, potential clinical value, originality of work, and overall impression.
11. Authors will be notified by 1 July 2007 whether their abstract has been accepted, and they will be informed at the same time about the date, time and form of their presentation.
12. The name, address, telephone, fax number and Email address of the corresponding author should be given as indicated. The presenting author and the contact author must be the same person.
Abstract Publication
All abstracts accepted for presentation will be published on the Conference Abstract CD-ROM
and in the Conference Proceedings. A CD-Rom containing PDFs of accepted posters will also be produced. Authors will be invited to submit a PDF of their actual poster for inclusion on this CD.
Oral and Poster Presentations: authors should indicate their preference for oral or poster presentation. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to allocate accepted papers either to the oral or to the poster session. Selection of papers will be made on a anonymous basis by the Scientific Committee. Only one paper for each single author will be accepted for oral communication. In the case of work-group presentations (3 or more authors), each group will be allowed to present up to three oral communications. Poster presentations will be organized with guided discussion.
Presentation of Abstracts
Abstracts can be accepted either as a poster, or an oral communication
If your abstract is accepted as a poster you will be requested to be available for discussion during the corresponding poster viewing session.
The usable surface of the display panels measures 150 cm (height) x 98 cm (width). Pins and adhesive material will be provided.
Please use letters large enough to be read from a distance of 1.5 meters.
Poster presenting authors will be asked to stand by their poster during scheduled poster presentation times.
Oral presentations will be allocated 15 minutes each. PowerPoint data projection with single screens will be available in all session rooms.
Full details will be included in the acceptance letter.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure
If the research was supported by a pharmaceutical company you must indicate the company’s role in analysing the data or preparing the abstract.
Problems submitting?
If you experience any kind of problem or if you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Conference Matters
Business Manager Leon Olsen, Email: leon@conferencematters.co.nz
Phone +64 (0)21 164 3815 Fax + 64 (0)9 437 4089
PO Box 1661 Whangarei New Zealand
Enquiries and Registrations:
Conference Matters
Business Manager Leon Olsen, Email: leon@conferencematters.co.nz
Phone +64 (0)21 164 3815 Fax + 64 (0)9 437 4089
PO Box 1661 Whangarei New Zealand
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