Academic Procession
Award Recipients
Fellowship Recipients
Sclerotherapy Certificate & Medal Recipients
Academic Attire
Other Instructions








Inauguration Ceremony
Historic Great Hall  |  University of Sydney
22 September 2007


Emeritus Fellows
Your Academic Gown pack will include a gown with a hood and a bonnet. The hood should hang evenly from the shoulders and at first there should be no satin purple visible. Once the hood is in place, unfold it slightly to expose the purple satin & gold edging. Women may choose to fasten the hood at the shoulders with safety pins for more comfort. For men, the neckband of the hood should be placed over the tie.

Award Recipients
If you are an award/medal recipient and also an ACP Fellow, you will wear the official academic attire of the College.

Fellows of other medical colleges are requested to wear their respective academic gowns for the ceremony.

Fellowship Recipients
Fellows will receive an academic package including a gown, bonnet, College tie and pin, which has been ordered as per your specifications. The gowns will be available from 18th September at the Conference registration desk (Stamford Plaza, Double Bay, Sydney) and will be available with the rest of the conference material. However, if you will not be attending the Conference (18th to 21st September, 2007) the gowns will be available at the Inauguration Ceremony.

Please ensure you arrive at the venue no later than 15:45 at the latest to collect and don your gown. Members of the Academic Procession can collect their gowns from the Senate room. Other ACP Fellows are to collect their gown from the Greek room.

Graduates who wear a hat or head cover for particular reasons, e.g. Sikhs, are not required to wear the tudor bonnet. The bonnet should be worn straight and may be removed by men when seated. Women wear the bonnet both when standing and seated and should be careful not to let the tassel obscure their faces when being photographed shaking hands with the Chancellor.

To have on a black tie is the dress code for the Inauguration Ceremony dinner (following the graduation ceremony). It is recommended for Fellows to wear a black tie on the day, being suitable for both the Ceremony and dinner event. If you wish you can wear the College tie for the ceremony. For those who wish to change attire for the Inauguration Dinner a change room will be available in the Cloak Room (please see staff for assistance).

Sclerotherapy Certificate & Medal Recipients
You will not be required to wear an academic gown.



Australasian College of Phlebology
P.O. Box 549, Bondi Junction NSW 1355 Australia 

Ph: 61 2 9386 1811 Fax: 61 2 9386 1822 
Email: info@phlebology.com.au Website: www.phlebology.com.au 
ABN 48 390 641 608