Suggested Topics for Presentation for Phlebology Colorado 2020:
1. The credentialed physician, re who is qualified to perform vein specialty procedures?
2. Ultrasound for phlebology, who should be the expert?
3. EVLA and RF ablation of the GSV and SSV, cases and tricks of the trade.
4. The posterior leg, Giacomini vein, SSV and sural nerve, cases discussed.
5. Micro-phlebectomy – on whom, how many, and where, what do the experts say (all attendees). Cases presented.
6. Sclerotherapy – how, which solutions for which patients, technique, complications and how to prevent and/or treat. Vein light assistance, ultrasound guided infusion of sclerosant, foam or liquid.
7. Telangiectatic matting and best treatment, vein wave and veingogh, lasers to treat spider veins, peri-orbital, face, and chest veins best treatment options.
8. Comments on the effectiveness of steam, the whipping wire, and glue to treat the incompetent saphenous vein.
9. Patients on Coumadin, patients on the modern anti-coagulants, management of these patients.
10. Patients with hypercoagulopathies, re protein c & s, anti-phospho lipid.
11. Patients with deep vein abnormalities, chronic occlusion, acute DVT, management of these patients, cases presented.
12. Patients with upper extremity vein abnormalities, malformation, stenosis and occlusion, cases presented.
13. Vein stasis ulcers and the wound clinics, cases presented.
14. Perforator veins, if and when to treat, how to treat.
15. Anesthesia for vein work, conscious sedation vs wide awake. Tumescent infusion, how much and how fast.
16. The business of phlebology: insurance reimbursement vs cash. The changing rules of insurance, which ones and how to adapt and conquer.
17. The cost of phlebology, office based surgery vs hospital vs surgi-centers. Facility fees possible?
18. Strategies for future success, will phlebology survive, how do the good guys win.
19. Butch and Sundance philosophy, the cowboy rides again.